Free App shows on-street availability, saves time searching for a spot.
ParkChicago® has launched a new app that shows availability of Chicago’s 36,000 metered parking spaces throughout the city – for free.
“The ParkChicago® Map app directs users to areas where they are more likely to find available parking spaces while helping them avoid areas where parking is scarce,” said Dennis Pedrelli, CEO of ParkChicago®. “At any time, the Map App gives drivers an advantage in making an informed decision, saving them time on the road and headaches while trying to find an available spot.”
By typing in an address or location, the ParkChicago® Map app lets users view the availability of street parking in a four-square block area on any given day and time. Each dot represents a paybox and the color signifies the likelihood of finding a parking spot on that block: Green=High; Orange=Moderate; Purple=Low
With ParkChicago® Map, users can navigate to a desired location or address on their phones. The app will show the likelihood of finding a parking spot for you within a four-square block square area.
It employs a color-coded system that indicates if there is a high (green = 3 or more spaces), moderate (orange = 2 spaces) or low (red = 1 space or none) probability of finding a parking space per block at any given time.
Using an algorithm, ParkChicago® Map calculates the probability of locating a parking space by incorporating several years of parking data (e.g. the first Monday in May at 3 pm).
Adding to the equation is parking data from the past several weeks, which reflects if recent events (e.g. a store opening or closing or a construction project) impact the probability of finding a spot.
ParkChicago® Map also features:
The number of parking spaces within a four-square block area
The hours of operation and hourly cost for metered spaces
How far the parking destination is from a user’s current location
Directions to the parking location
Capability to search specific destinations (restaurants, stores, etc.) and designate “favorites”
Clicking on a dot provides information about parking limits, cost, and distance from your current location. You can also map directions to the location and then pay for your spot using the ParkChicago® app.
Once you find a spot, ParkChicago® Map provides a short cut to the ParkChicago® app for the convenience of paying for a spot. Of course, you can always use the pay box.
The Map App is free and does not require users to sign up or provide any personal information.
iPhone and Android users can download the free ParkChicago® mobile app at the App Store or at Google Play. To learn more, visit ParkChicago.com.