Pro Tip: ZoneHop Your purchased time will be portable and good until expiration at most meters OF THE SAME TYPE OF SPACE AND WITH THE SAME OR LOWER HOURLY RATE. However, purchased time is NOT PORTABLE between on-street meters and off-street metered lots, OR BETWEEN COMMERCIAL LOADING ZONES AND OTHER TYPES OF ON-STREET METERED PARKING SPACES. If you do move your vehicle to a space where portability is permitted, please be sure to abide by all zone signage regarding restrictions and rules, including all signage of which may be posted on the SAME SIDE OF THE STREET ON THE BLOCK you parked your vehicle.
Open the app and navigate to the login section. Tap on the "Reset PIN" option, hit 'OK'. For security reasons, you’ll be prompted to enter the credit card information associated to your account. The app will display the last four digits of the card on file to help you identify which card to use. After verifying your payment details, create a new PIN and tap on "Reset PIN". A message should confirm that your PIN has been successfully reset.
Visit the "Contact Us" section of the ParkChicago website. Enter your full name and email address in the required fields. Select 'Help with ParkChicago app: New Phone Number' as the Reason for Inquiry. In the Comments section, include the following information: 1) Old phone number associated with your account, 2) Main license plate number used with the account, 3) Your zip code, 4) Last 4-digits of the credit card linked to the wallet, along with expiration date. Once you've submitted this information, ParkChicago will deactivate the account associated to the old phone number and process a refund to the credit card on file for the remaining wallet balance - this should take 2 weeks, or sooner. If the refund cannot be processed to the card on file, we will ask for a home address to mail a refund check.
Open the app and navigate to the Menu. Under 'Settings', select 'Profile'. Tap 'Update' and make your changes. Once you're done, tap 'Save' to apply the updates.
Open the app and go to the main menu. Select 'Wallet Details' under Settings section. Choose 'Update Payment Card' and enter your new credit card information. Once completed, hit 'Save'. Return to the Wallet Details screen to verify. The section labeled, "Funded by" will display the last four digits of your new card.
You have two options to view past parking sessions. Option 1) Through the app: Navigate to the app's menu and tap on 'My Parking History'. The app displays your last 10 parking sessions. Select a session to view parking details and tap 'Email Receipt' to send a receipt to the email linked to your account. Option 2) Use the ParkChicago Web Portal at https://chicagoparking.ppprk.com/park/#login to view your entire parking history: Use your 4-digit PIN to log in and then click on the menu (upper left corner) to select 'My Parking History'. Use filters to narrow your search and once you find a specific session, click 'Send' under Email Receipt.
Of course! ParkChicago allows you to add multiple license plate numbers to your account. Simply open the app and go to Menu > Settings > Vehicle Management. The Vehicle Management feature allows you to add or delete license plate numbers and if you'd like, 'Nickname' your vehicle - great for shared family cars. The stored information makes it easy to select a vehicle for the next time you use ParkChicago.
Open the app and navigate to the menu, select 'Wallet Details' from the options. Next to "Wallet Reload Amount", use the drop-down menu to select a default amount from $20 up to $100. The next time a parking session drops your wallet balance below the amount required to park, a pop-up message will appear asking you to confirm a wallet reload. The wallet will reload with the default amount you selected once you confirm. If you park frequently, consider selecting a higher reload amount to reduce the frequency of reloading.
If your wallet balance is insufficient to cover a parking session, the app will ask you, via pop-up message, to authorize a wallet reload. The wallet reloads with your default reload amount and adds additional increments, as needed. For example, if your wallet balance is $11, the parking fee $35, and your default reload amount is set to $20, your account will need to reload twice to cover the cost of parking.
Important Note: Deactivation can only be done through the ParkChicago web portal - chicagoparking.ppprk.com/park/#login - not the mobile app. There are no fees to deactivate. If you want to use ParkChicago again, you'll need to create a new account. To deactivate go to the web portal and enter your credentials and 4-digit PIN. Navigate to the menu in the upper left corner and select 'Profile'. Click 'Deactivate Account' and follow the prompts to complete deactivation. Your remaining wallet balance will be refunded to the credit card on file within 21 days, or sooner. If the refund cannot be processed to your card, a check will be mailed to the address provided during deactivation.
When using ParkChicago, you enter your license plate number for each parking session. This information is used by enforcement personnel to verify your parking payment status. No physical tickets or stickers are needed, as the system is entirely digital
Go to pay.chicago.gov to learn more about how to contest a violation. If you receive a violation when using ParkChicago, you can access your parking history to show verification of payment. The intentional alteration of this receipt for the purpose of avoiding a ticket or any unlawful purpose may constitute forgery, a Class 3 felony that is punishable by a term of imprisonment from 2 to 5 years, fines and restitution. Please note that the City of Chicago is solely responsible for adjudicating parking violations.
Easy! All you need is a credit or debit card. Download the ParkChicago app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, Basic cell phone users can sign up on our website by navigating to Ways To Park > ParkChicago > Sign Up, or by calling 312-300-7433 for an automated IVR touch-tone-system. Your wireless carrier’s message and data rates may apply.
ParkChicago has never used QR codes to identify a location or to sign up for a ParkChicago account. In other cities, QR codes have re-directed unsuspecting customers to fake websites, potentially resulting in fraudulent charges to the customer. If you see a QR code on one of our pay boxes or on a suspicious website, please contact customer service at (877) 242-7901.
ParkChicago is available at all metered street parking spaces and certain city-owned parking lots in Chicago. It is also available at select commercial loading zones. Make sure to look for ParkChicago signs on the same side of the street on which you are parked, or in parking lots.
When you sign up for ParkChicago, you link a credit, debit or branded pre-paid card to your wallet. The chosen payment method is used to pre-load your wallet with at least $20, up to $100. Each time you use ParkChicago, the cost of your parking session is deducted from your pre-loaded wallet. If you attempt to initiate a parking transaction causing your wallet to drop below zero, you will be asked to reload your wallet with the reload amount and method of payment you selected (at least $20), plus any additional increments needed to cover your parking transaction. However, if your wallet cannot be reloaded due to a linked card with an insufficient balance, your transaction will be declined until you link a valid credit, debit, or branded pre-paid card with a sufficient balance to your wallet.
Loading zones for commercial use are identified by red, end limit ParkChicago street signage and the spaces are used for the loading and unloading of commercial deliveries.
In $2.50 rate areas (outside the Loop and Central Business District) and all commercial loading zones, the minimum purchase is 15 minutes. In $7.00 (Loop) and $4.75 (Central Business District) rate areas, the minimum purchase is 30 minutes.
The 6-digit zone number uniquely identifies where you are parked, so entering in the wrong zone number could result in receiving a citation. Each block and opposite sides of the street may have different parking restrictions and hours of operation or length of stay. Therefore, use the zone number on the same side of the street where you parked your vehicle. The zone number is displayed on all ParkChicago-logo street signs. Vehicles allowed to legally park in a commercial loading zone can pay for parking using the ParkChicago app. Drivers of commercial vehicles can enter the specific zone number listed on the red loading-zone street signs located on the same side of the street where they parked. Only commercially licensed vehicles are eligible to park in commercial loading zones. Other licensed vehicles will be issued a citation. Per the City of Chicago ordinance, enforcement for Commercial Loading Zones takes place 24 hours a day.
Please reference the City of Chicago’s commercial loading zone information - https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/fin/supp_info/revenue/CommercialLoadingZoneInfo.html
No, passenger vehicles cannot park in commercial loading zones designated by red ParkChicago street signage. Passenger vehicles are at risk of receiving a citation should they park in a commercial loading zone.
Although GPS is getting better, it cannot consistently and accurately detect different sides of a street. ParkChicago's unique 6-digit zones are designed to help you park in a space within available times. For instance, a rush hour may exist on one side of the street from 7-9am, and the other side of the street may have a rush hour restriction from 4-6pm. ParkChicago keeps you from purchasing parking during rush hour time restrictions. In all cases, however, ALWAYS check for street signage on the block for any parking restrictions.
Whether you use ParkChicago or on-street pay boxes, the hourly parking rates are as follows: $2.50 outside the Loop and Central Business District, $4.75 in the Central Business District, $7.00 in the Loop, and $14.00 for commercial loading zones (marked by red ParkChicago street signs). Specific block rates can be checked using ParkChicago Map, ParkChicago mobile app (enter 6-digit zone number and tap the information icon), or check the rates and hours displayed on the home screen of the pay box located on the block where you're parking.
Commercial vehicles can pay for parking using ParkChicago (mobile app) or the pay box. If using ParkChicago, make sure to enter the zone number found on the red ParkChciago sign. If paying at the pay box, select the red commercial loading zone button and follow on-screen directions to complete the purchase. For commercial loading zones, customers purchase parking in 15-minute increments at a cost of $3.50 per 15 minutes.
A convenience fee of $.35 is charged for each and every transaction of less than 2 hours. For each transaction of 2 hours or more, the convenience fee is waived. ParkChicago will ask you to confirm the convenience fee if it applies to your transaction. Additionally, metered parking at various city-owned parking lots is subject to parking taxes. If you park at any of the city’s lots, a tax will be assessed in addition to the parking rate and convenience fee, if applicable. TIP: Avoid paying a convenience fee by parking for 2 hours or more in a single transaction.
People with specialty or vanity license plates issued by any state may use ParkChicago. Simply enter the full license plate number, including any stacked letters from top to bottom, then left to right, then top to bottom as applicable, as it appears on the license plate. There are two exceptions to this general guidance: Individuals with “IL B Truck” license plates that denote “B TRUCK” stacked from top to bottom on the right-hand side of the plate, ONLY NEED TO ENTER THE LETTER “B” in addition to your main license plate numbers. DO NOT enter the letters “TRUCK”. Individuals with “Ham Radio” license plates that denote “HAM RADIO” stacked from top to bottom on the left-hand side of the plate, DO NOT enter any stacked letters (do not enter “HAM RADIO”); only your main license plate numbers are necessary. Make sure to correctly enter every letter or number on the license plate to avoid a ticket. If you are unsure, please call Customer Service at 877-242-7901.
There are a few ways to confirm an active session. First, you can open the app and immediately see The Active Session screen, which has a countdown feature at the top showing the parking time, along with the option to extend your session if/when the time comes. The start and end times are listed, as well. You can also get a quick confirmation that your transaction has gone through after hitting yes to the parking details and seeing the “You Are Parked” screen appear. Finally, a live session can be found in the app under Menu > Active Session.
ParkChicago adds up to 2 minutes of complimentary time to each initial purchase in most instances. You are charged only for the time that you select and not for any extra time added by ParkChicago.
Extending a parking session can be done from anywhere if your mobile phone has service, the volume/vibration is on, and the in-app preferences are set for you to receive reminders. The in-app notification appears 10 minutes prior to your session expiring. At that time, you can extend the session by opening the app and hitting Extend Time. There is also an option to monitor your time remaining from the Active Session screen, allowing you to extend the session at any time. TIP: There is a benefit to wait until after the 10-minute notification to extend parking. For example, you purchase 1 hour of time at a zone with a 2-hour maximum length of stay. After 30 minutes, you decide to extend the session by 2 hours. Since there is 30 minutes remaining from the initial purchase and the maximum stay is 2 hours, only an additional 1 hour and 30 minutes, or less can be purchased. If you waited for the 10-minute notification prior to the session expiring, an additional 2 hours could have been purchased from the original expiration time, and the $.35 convenience fee would be waived.
This is what we call ZoneHop. Your purchased time will be portable and good until expiration at most meters OF THE SAME TYPE OF SPACE AND WITH THE SAME OR LOWER HOURLY RATE (i.e., time purchased for a Commercial Loading Zone is portable only to another Commercial Loading Zone, and time purchased at other on-street meters is portable only to other on-street meters). However, purchased time is NOT PORTABLE between on-street meters and off-street metered lots, OR BETWEEN COMMERCIAL LOADING ZONES AND OTHER TYPES OF ON-STREET METERED PARKING SPACES. If you do move your vehicle to a space where portability is permitted, please be sure to abide by all zone signage regarding restrictions and rules, including all signage of which may be posted on the SAME SIDE OF THE STREET ON THE BLOCK where you parked your vehicle. For example, you can move your vehicle from a $4.75 zone to another $4.75 zone or $2.50 zone. If the rate at the new location is higher, you must create a new parking session or pay at the pay box. Make sure to check for rates, parking restrictions on the pay box and permanent or temporary signage to avoid a ticket.
Of course! In many zones throughout the city, you can pay for parking 15 minutes prior to the start of hours of operation for that zone. You will not be charged for pre-paid time. For example, if you arrive at a zone at 7:50 a.m. and the hours of operations start at 8:00 a.m., a purchase of 30 minutes would expire at 8:30 a.m.
ParkChicago is only available at metered street parking spaces and certain city-owned parking lots within the City of Chicago.
iOS users can download the ParkChicago app on their iPad, but a valid mobile phone number is still required to create an account and use the app. Android users cannot download the app on a tablet due to limitations within the Android platform.
You can add funds to your ParkChicago wallet using a credit, debit or branded pre-paid card. Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are accepted forms of payment.
No. The phone number used when your account was created is linked to your ParkChicago account for security and verification reasons. If you don’t have your mobile phone with you, you can make a payment at the pay box. You can also purchase parking on the ParkChicago web portal. It looks, feels and works just like the app! From our website, select Login (under Park) to access the portal. Additionally, if someone you’re with has ParkChicago, they can pay for your parking by simply adding your license plate number to their account, which can later be deleted (under Vehicle Mangagement in the app).
Only one phone number can be linked to an account.
We use your email address only to send you important information regarding ParkChicago, ParkChicago related parking information and your ParkChicago account.
Open the app and go to Menu > Preferences and toggle the marker to on (green) or off next to Application Reminders.. Please make sure to check your phone’s Push Notification settings, volume/vibration settings and make sure that your phone has service. If you are experiencing any problems, let us know by visiting Menu > Help Center > Report a Problem on your app or Contact Us on our website. We’ll investigate your reported issue as soon as possible.
At this time, the reminder feature cannot be altered.
If your payment card billing zip code is an Illinois zip code and your Account has been inactive for three (3) years or longer at the end of a given calendar year, the remaining wallet balance is deemed abandoned in accordance with the escheatment / unclaimed property regulations of the State of Illinois and reported and remitted to the Illinois State Treasurer’s office. If your payment card billing zip code is not an Illinois zip code and your Account has been inactive for five (5) years or longer at the end of a given calendar year, the remaining wallet balance is deemed abandoned in accordance with the escheatment / unclaimed property regulations of the State of Delaware and reported and remitted to the Delaware Office of Unclaimed Property.
You cannot change a zone number once your parking session has started, however, you can port your purchased time until expiration at most meters OF THE SAME TYPE OF SPACE AND WITH THE SAME OR LOWER HOURLY RATE (i.e., time purchased for a Commercial Loading Zone is portable only to another Commercial Loading Zone, and time purchased at other on-street meters is portable only to other on-street meters with the same or lower rate). Zone rate and hours can be confirmed in the app. Simply hit the information icon after entering in the zone number to view the zone details. Purchased time is NOT PORTABLE between on-street meters and off-street metered lots, OR BETWEEN COMMERCIAL LOADING ZONES AND OTHER TYPES OF ON-STREET METERED PARKING SPACES. If the incorrect zone rates and hours cannot be ported to the area where you are parked, you will need to make another transaction with the correct zone number. A one-time courtesy refund can be requested at 877-242-7901.
If you are unable to add additional time to your parking session, it is likely that you have reached the maximum parking time allowed for that space, or you do not have to pay because no payment is required (check posted signs for hours of operation). You also may have parked in a restricted space (check posted signs for special restrictions, like parking during rush hour), or your account could not be replenished due to an issue with your payment card on file. Like other apps, ParkChicago requires a good Wi-Fi or cellular signal. If you experience failure in wireless service and are unable to extend your parking session remotely, please use the on-street pay box on the same side of the street where you parked your car to purchase more parking time.
If you need to pay for parking or extend a current parking session, return to the block where your vehicle is parked and pay at the pay box. Additionally, you can access your ParkChicago account from any desktop (Login from our website's homepage) if you need to extend your session. It looks, feels and works just like the app!
If you experience any issues with the app, check your phone’s coverage and/or Wi-Fi signal first. Also, check your phone settings to ensure that the volume/vibration is on and the application settings are set to receive alerts. Please be aware that sessions originated from the app, whether on iPhone, iPad or an Android device, receive in-app notifications on that specific device (and not via text message). If needed, you can access the ParkChicago portal on our website's homepage to pay for parking or access a current parking transaction. It looks, feels and works just like the app! If you’re unable to pay for parking through ParkChicago, please pay for parking at the on-street pay box nearest your parked vehicle. If you continue to experience problems, let us know by opening the app and going to Menu > Help Center > Report a Problem or Contact Us on our website. We’ll investigate your reported issue as soon as possible.
We have manually suspended your account due to payment discrepancies. Please contact us at 877-242-7901 for more information.
If you've never signed up for ParkChicago and are receiving this message, please call us at 877-242-7901. We'll help you sort out the situation.
ParkChicago allows 90 seconds to complete a transaction before the system times out. If a time out occurs, simply begin your transaction again.
Our pay boxes operate a pay-by-plate system that uses license plate numbers to confirm payment. That means that after purchasing a parking session with credit, debit, branded pre-paid cards or coin, you’ll no longer have to display a receipt on your dashboard as proof of payment. This makes on-street parking more convenient and efficient. Motorists may park in any legally available curb space between the posted “Pay at Pay Box” signs except in “No Parking” zones (such as fire hydrants, crosswalks and bus stops) or during street cleaning, rush hour and other restricted parking areas and times. Please be sure to abide by all zone signage regarding restrictions and rules, including all signage of which may be posted on the SAME SIDE OF THE STREET ON THE BLOCK where you parked your vehicle.
Whether you use ParkChicago or on-street pay boxes, the hourly parking rates are as follows: $2.50 outside the Loop and Central Business District, $4.75 in the Central Business District, $7.00 in the Loop, and $14.00 for commercial loading zones (marked by red ParkChicago street signs). Specific block rates can be checked using ParkChicago Map, ParkChicago mobile app (enter 6-digit zone number and tap the information icon), or check the rates and hours displayed on the home screen of the pay box located on the block where you're parking.
If at the meter, rate and hours can be found on the meter's home screen. For general rates and times, please visit the Rates & Hours page of our website. For specific blocks, you can use ParkChicago Map or ParkChicago mobile app (enter 6-digit zone number and tap the information icon) to check hours and rates.
Pay boxes accept quarters as well as credit, debit, and branded pre-paid cards. You can also download the ParkChicago app to pay for parking with your mobile phone.
Yes. Those that are eligible and display a yellow‐and‐gray colored placard at metered spaces in Chicago and throughout the state receive special privilege. To apply for a disability placard, visit the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office.
Yes. If enforcement personnel can’t match your license plate with the information you entered for the transaction, you’ll receive a citation. Before each transaction is complete, you’ll be asked to confirm the license plate information you’ve entered.
A parking session cannot be adjusted once confirmed, so it’s very important to review all transaction details. If the session was confirmed with the incorrect plate number, you will need to make another transaction with the correct plate number to avoid a citation. You can request a refund for the incorrect transaction on our website under the Refund Request page. Simply fill out the Refund Request Form then email or mail to LAZ parking. If you need assistance in receiving the form, please contact 877-242-7901.
After you confirm your purchase, you can request a printed paper receipt or have a receipt sent to you via text on your phone by following the instructions for text receipts on the pay box. You can also opt to not print a receipt. Note: The intentional alteration of a receipt for the purpose of avoiding a ticket or any unlawful purpose may constitute forgery, a Class 3 felony that is punishable by a term of imprisonment from 2 to 5 years, fines and restitution. 720 ILCS 5/17-3.
When you purchase your time, the pay box will indicate when your metered time expires. The end time of your parking session is also stated on your text or printed receipt, if you elect to receive one.
If the pay box where you parked is inoperative, you must call 877‐242‐7901 and report it within 24 hours. In such cases, you don’t have to pay for parking. However, please be aware that you may park only for the maximum period of stay allowed in that zone. Exceeding the time limit, even if the meter is broken, may result in a citation. You may also consider paying by phone with our app, ParkChicago (www.parkchicago.com).
Yes. You can park in another metered spot anywhere in the City if you park in a space with the same or lower hourly rate, and it’s the same space type (on-street to on-street, commercial loading zone to commercial loading zone, or off-street lot to off-street lot). For example, you can move your vehicle from a $4.75 zone to another $4.75 zone or $2.50 zone. But if the rate at the new location is higher, you must create a new parking session. Make sure to check for rates, parking restrictions on the pay box and permanent or temporary signage to avoid a citation.
Your license plate number identifies that you’ve paid for your parking session. Enforcement personnel will have access to a database to see if you’ve paid and how much time you have remaining on your session.
Loading zones for commercial use are identified by red, end limit ParkChicago street signage and the spaces are used for the loading and unloading of commercial deliveries.
Please reference the City of Chicago’s commercial loading zone information - https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/fin/supp_info/revenue/CommercialLoadingZoneInfo.html
No, passenger vehicles cannot park in commercial loading zones designated by red ParkChicago street signage. Passenger vehicles are at risk of receiving a citation should they park in a commercial loading zone.
Commercial vehicles can pay for parking using ParkChicago (mobile app) or the pay box. If using ParkChicago, make sure to enter the zone number found on the red ParkChicago sign. If paying at the pay box, select the red commercial loading zone button and follow on-screen directions to complete the purchase. For commercial loading zones, customers purchase parking in 15-minute increments at a cost of $3.50 per 15 minutes.
If your credit card was charged an incorrect amount or if you feel that you are entitled to a refund, please go to the Refund & Contact section of our website and fill out the Refund Request form.
If you received a valid citation, please pay it by following the directions on the ticket or envelope. If you believe a citation was issued in error, you may contest the ticket. Instructions for challenging a ticket can be found on the ticket or by calling the City of Chicago’s Ticket Help Line: 312‐744‐PARK (7275).
Transaction and license plate data is held in a secure system so enforcement personnel can ensure you’ve paid for your parking.
Our pay boxes are PCI DSS compliant. PCI DSS is the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard for protecting data, which is designed to allow companies to process, store, and transmit payment card information securely.
ParkChicago Map is a predictive parking application which allows you to determine the likelihood of finding a parking spot by hour of the day, up to one week in advance. Giving you access to over 36,000 parking spaces, ParkChicago Map saves you driving time on the streets and offers you a stress-free parking experience.
The app is available for download in the Apple App Store and at Google Play. The app does not require you to sign up or provide personal information. Download and use right away.
Enter in a pay box ID, address, or point of interest. By simply swiping through the days of the week at the bottom of the screen, you’ll be able to narrow your search by the hour to determine the likelihood of parking availability within a four-square block area of where you’re going. Colored dots on the map represent the likelihood of finding a spot within that radius: Green = High, Orange = Moderate, Purple = Low. Select a dot to view pay box information such as, parking limits, hours and rates, directions to your parking location, etc. Once you park, ParkChicago Map offers a shortcut on your phone to pay with the ParkChicago app. Easy and seamless! Of course, you can always use the on-street pay box to purchase parking.
If you’re setup to use our ParkChicago app, we offer a shortcut on Map to pay for parking after you have found your spot. Easy and seamless! Of course, you can always use the on-street pay box to purchase parking.
Our ParkChicago app offers a link to ParkChicago Map, so you have two apps in one! Open the menu in ParkChicago and select ParkChicago Map to download the map feature. You’re now setup to search and pay for parking, all in one app.
ParkChicago Fleet is a mobile payment app designed to manage group on-street and off-street metered parking. A pre-funded wallet, managed by a Fleet admin, enables Fleet members to pay for parking at more than 36,000 metered spaces in Chicago’s downtown and neighborhoods using their phones.
As an administrator, you receive a single invoice for ALL enrolled members who use street-metered parking. You can manage member parking access and review parking history online. Also, expense reports are eliminated as user accounts allow for online direct-billing in real time. As a member, you can extend parking time remotely and receive alerts 10 minutes prior to your parking time expiring. You can also pay for parking with your phone – no need to use the pay box!
A Fleet administrator will sign up all members using their email address and mobile phone number. Members will receive a text message to download the app, joining the company Fleet. The ParkChicago Fleet app is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
The minimum amount to pre-fund your ParkChicago Fleet wallet is $20.00. All parking sessions purchased by your Fleet members will be deducted from this wallet. The maximum pre-fund amount is $1,000.00.
There are no fees associated with Fleet or member sign up. If a member parks for less than 2 hours, a 35-cent convenience fee applies to each transaction. For each transaction of 2 hours or more, the convenience fee is waived. ParkChicago® Fleet will ask members to confirm the convenience fee, should one apply to their parking transaction. TIP: Avoid paying a convenience fee by parking for 2 hours or more in a single transaction. Additionally, metered parking at various city-owned parking lots is subject to city and county parking taxes. If members park at any of the city’s lots, a tax will be assessed in addition to the parking rate and convenience fee, if applicable.
ParkChicago Fleet is available at all metered street parking spaces, certain city-owned parking lots in Chicago, and all commercial loading zones. Members should look for ParkChicago signs on the same side of the street where they are parked, or in parking lots.
Regardless of whether you use ParkChicago Fleet or the on-street pay boxes, hourly parking rates are $2.50 (outside the Loop and Central Business District), $4.75 (Central Business District), $7.00 (Loop), and $14.00 (Commercial loading zones).
In the $2.50 rate areas (outside the Loop and Central Business District) and for all commercial loading zones, a minimum purchase of 15 minutes is required. Within the $7.00 (Loop) and $4.75 (Central Business District) rate areas, a minimum purchase of 30 minutes is required.
An administrator should be assigned to create and manage a Fleet account. The administrator can sign up on our website under Ways to Park > ParkChicago Fleet > Sign Up. The administrator will be asked to create their admin and company profile, and fill out billing information to pre-fund their ParkChicago Fleet wallet. After profiles have been created, the administrator can then begin to add Fleet members. It’s that easy!
A member can only be in ONE fleet, as the user account is linked to a phone number at the time of set up. A member’s phone number cannot be linked to one or more Fleets.
The account administrator should call 877-242-7901, so we can help correct the situation.
Less than 60 seconds! After downloading the app, a member enters in their phone number to receive a verification code and create a 4-digit access PIN. They set their preferences for reminders and email receipts, add their vehicle(s) information, and they’re ready to park!
Only one phone number can be linked to a member account.
When setting up the account, the Fleet administrator links a credit or debit card to the account. A replenishment amount ($20 up to $1,000) is selected for when members make transactions that are greater than the remaining balance in the wallet. If members initiate parking transactions that require more funds to park, the wallet will be automatically replenished with the predetermined amount.
The 6-digit zone number uniquely identifies where you are parked, so entering in the wrong zone number could result in receiving a citation. Each block and opposite sides of the street may have different parking restrictions and hours of operation or length of stay. Therefore, use the zone number on the same side of the street where you parked your vehicle. The zone number is displayed on all ParkChicago-logo street signs. Vehicles allowed to legally park in a commercial loading zone can pay for parking using the ParkChicago Fleet app. Members who drive commercial vehicles can enter the specific zone number listed on the red loading zone street signs located on the same side of the street where they parked.
Loading zones for commercial use are identified by red, end limit ParkChicago street signage and the spaces are used for the loading and unloading of commercial deliveries.
Please reference the City of Chicago’s commercial loading zone information - https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/fin/supp_info/revenue/CommercialLoadingZoneInfo.html
Once the account administrator has added members to the Fleet account, all members will receive a text message with a link to download the app and create their own 4-digit access PIN. A member can purchase parking by entering in a designated zone number and vehicle license plate, and selecting the length of stay. The cost of the parking session is deducted from the Fleet account's pre-funded wallet, initially setup by the account administrator. If parking transactions are made that are greater than the remaining balance in the wallet, the wallet will be automatically replenished with the predetermined amount selected by the account administrator.
ParkChicago Fleet allows members to add as many license plate numbers, as needed. Also, multiple members can add the same license plate number, say for a shared vehicle. In the app under Vehicle Management, members can add, edit and delete license plate numbers. They can also “nickname” vehicles. The stored information makes it easy to select a vehicle at the time of purchase.
Members with specialty or vanity license plates issued by any state may use Fleet. Members should enter the full license plate number, including any stacked letters from top to bottom, then left to right, then top to bottom as applicable, as it appears on the license plate. There are two exceptions to this general guidance: One, individuals with “IL B Truck” license plates that denote “B TRUCK” stacked from top to bottom on the right-hand side of the plate, ONLY NEED TO ENTER THE LETTER “B” in addition to the main license plate numbers. DO NOT enter the letters “TRUCK”. Two, individuals with “Ham Radio” license plates that denote “HAM RADIO” stacked from top to bottom on the left-hand side of the plate, DO NOT enter any stacked letters (do not enter “HAM RADIO”); only the main license plate numbers are necessary. After entering the plate information, it should be double checked to avoid a citation. If you are unsure, please call the Customer Service hotline at 877-242-7901, or text “HELPME” to 312-300-7433. Only commercially licensed vehicles are eligible to park in commercial loading zones. All other vehicles will be issued a citation.
Commercial vehicles can pay for parking using ParkChicago (mobile app) or the pay box. If using ParkChicago, make sure to enter the zone number found on the red ParkChicago sign. If paying at the pay box, select the red commercial loading zone button and follow on-screen directions to complete the purchase. For commercial loading zones, customers purchase parking in 15-minute increments at a cost of $3.50 per 15 minutes.
No, passenger vehicles cannot park in commercial loading zones designated by red ParkChicago street signage. Passenger vehicles are at risk of receiving a citation should they park in a commercial loading zone.
Of course! In many zones throughout the city, payment is accepted 15 minutes prior to the start of hours of operation for that zone. ParkChicago does not charge for pre-paid time. For example, if you arrive to a zone at 7:50 a.m. and the hours of operations start at 8:00 a.m., a purchase of 30 minutes could be made which would expire at 8:30 a.m.
There are a few ways to confirm an active session. A live session can be found in the app under Menu > Parking > Active Session. Also, upon opening the app the Active Session screen immediately appears which has a countdown feature at the top showing the parking time remaining, along with the option to extend the session if/when the time comes; the start and end times are listed, as well. Also, after confirming the transaction details a screen will appear stating that “You Are Parked”, offering a quick confirmation of the transaction
At the time of set up, the administrator will choose an amount between $20.00 - $1,000.00 to pre-fund the wallet with a credit, debit, or branded pre-paid card. The chosen amount is used to replenish the wallet when members make transactions that are greater than the remaining balance in the wallet, plus additional increments or fees that may be needed to cover parking transactions. If the linked card has insufficient funds to cover purchases, the Fleet’s transactions will be denied.
As always, ParkChicago adds up to 2 minutes of complimentary time to each initial purchase, in most instances. We only charge for the customer’s selected time, not for any extra time added by ParkChicago.
If the mobile phone being used has service, the volume/vibration is on, and the in-app preferences are set to receive reminders, extending a parking session can be done from anywhere. When there is 10 minutes left on a parking session, an in-app notification will appear stating that the session will end soon. At that time, a session can be extended by opening the app and hitting Extend Time. There is an option to monitor the time remaining from the Active Session screen which allows a user to extend their parking at any time. TIP: There is a benefit to wait until after the 10-minute notification alert to extend parking. For example: A user purchases 1 hour of time at a zone with a 2-hour maximum length of stay. After 30 minutes, the user decides to extend the session by 2 hours. Since there is 30 minutes remaining from the initial purchase and the maximum stay is 2 hours, only an additional 1 hour and 30 minutes or less can be purchased. If the user waited for the 10-minute notification prior to the session expiring, an additional 2 hours could have been purchased from the original expiration time, and the convenience fee would be waived.
Refunds for unused time are not available, but members can port their time (see next question).
Purchased time will be portable and good until expiration at most meters OF THE SAME TYPE OF SPACE AND WITH THE SAME OR LOWER HOURLY RATE (i.e., time purchased for a Commercial Loading Zone is portable only to another Commercial Loading Zone, and time purchased at other on-street meters is portable only to other on-street meters). However, purchased time is NOT PORTABLE between on-street meters and off-street metered lots, OR BETWEEN COMMERCIAL LOADING ZONES AND OTHER TYPES OF ON-STREET METERED PARKING SPACES. If you do move your vehicle to a space where portability is permitted, please be sure to abide by all zone signage regarding restrictions and rules, including all signage of which may be posted on the SAME SIDE OF THE STREET ON THE BLOCK you parked your vehicle. For example, you can move your vehicle from a $4.75 zone to another $4.75 zone or $2.50 zone. If the rate at the new location is higher, you must create a new parking session or pay at the pay box. Make sure to check for rates, parking restrictions on the pay box and permanent or temporary signage to avoid a ticket.
A member’s phone number is linked to their ParkChicago Fleet account for security and verification reasons. If a member does not have their phone, they should make a payment at one of our on-street pay boxes located on the same side of the street where they parked their vehicle. If a member does use our pay box, the parking purchase will not appear under the Fleet account. If a proof of purchase is needed for record keeping, an option of text or paper receipt is available at the pay box.
Members are required to Add Vehicle(s) to their app by entering in the vehicle’s license plate number. Each time a member uses ParkChicago Fleet, they select the vehicle being parked. Enforcement personnel uses the chosen license plate number to look up a parking payment status.
First, the administrator will need to login into the company account and deactivate (delete) the member’s current account. They will then have to create a new member account with the new phone number.
Once members begin to park, the administrator can access the Fleet’s parking details online under Parking History. The history can be filtered by month and year, then exported to an excel file. Clicking on a purchase line provides a map of the session’s parking location, with an option to request an Email Receipt.
Open the app and go to Menu > Settings > Preferences and toggle the marker to on (green) or off next to Application Reminders. Please make sure to check the phone’s Push Notification settings, volume/vibration settings and make sure that the phone has service. If experiencing issues, let us know using the app: Menu > Help Center > Report a Problem or Contact Us on our website. We’ll investigate the reported issue as soon as possible.
The reminder feature cannot be altered. The notification is set for 10 minutes prior to your parking time expiring.
The administrator is the only who has access to delete a member from a Fleet. This can be done online under the Members tab. If a member is deleted, their parking history will still be available.
If your payment card billing zip code in an Illinois zip code and your Account has been inactive for three (3) years or longer at the end of a given calendar year, the remaining balance is deemed abandoned in accordance with the escheatment / unclaimed property regulations of the State of Illinois and reported and remitted to the Illinois State Treasurer’s office. If your payment card billing zip code is not an Illinois zip code and your Account has been inactive for five (5) years or longer at the end of a given calendar year, the remaining balance is deemed abandoned in accordance with the escheatment / unclaimed property regulations of the State of Delaware and reported and remitted to the Delaware Office of Unclaimed Property.
The administrator should call 877-242-7901 to deactivate a Fleet account.
If a member experiences any issues with the app, they should check their phone’s coverage and/or Wi-Fi signal first. Also, phone settings should be checked to ensure the volume/vibration is on and the application settings are set to receive alerts. Please be aware that sessions originated from the app, whether on iPhone, iPad or an Android device, receive in-app notifications on that specific device (and not via text message). If a member is unable to pay for parking through ParkChicago Fleet, they should pay for parking at the on-street pay box nearest to their vehicle. If problems continue, please let us know by opening the app and going to Menu > Help Center > Report a Problem or Contact Us on our website. We’ll investigate the reported issue as soon as possible.
If a member needs to pay for parking or extend a current session, they should return to the block where their vehicle is parked and pay at the pay box.
A zone number cannot be changed once a parking session has started, however, a member can port their purchased time until expiration at most meters OF THE SAME TYPE OF SPACE AND WITH THE SAME OR LOWER HOURLY RATE (i.e., time purchased for a Commercial Loading Zone is portable only to another Commercial Loading Zone, and time purchased at other on-street meters is portable only to other on-street meters with the same or lower rate). Zone rate and hours can be confirmed in the app. Simply hit the information icon after entering in the zone number to view the zone details. Purchased time is NOT PORTABLE between on-street meters and off-street metered lots, OR BETWEEN COMMERCIAL LOADING ZONES AND OTHER TYPES OF ON-STREET METERED PARKING SPACES. If the incorrect zone rates and hours cannot be ported to the area where the member is parked, they will need to make another transaction with the correct zone number. Refunds can be requested at 877-242-7901.
If a member is unable to add additional time to their parking session, it is likely that they have reached the maximum parking time allowed for that space, or they do not have to pay because no payment is required (check posted signs for hours of operation). They also could have parked in a restricted space (check posted signs for special restrictions, like parking during rush hour), or their account could not be replenished due to an issue with the payment card on file.
The member should contact the administrator responsible for their ParkChicago Fleet account. The admin can grant a PIN reset by heading to the Members section on the Fleet website and then clicking on Manage next to the members name. The member has 24 hours to reset their PIN from the time they were granted the request, as the bypass will expire. The member can open up their app and click on Reset PIN to create a new 4-digit sequence.
Go to pay.chicago.gov to learn more about how to contest a citation. The ParkChicago Fleet app and desktop site allows you to access your parking history to show verification of payment. The intentional alteration of this receipt for the purpose of avoiding a ticket or any unlawful purpose may constitute forgery, a Class 3 felony that is punishable by a term of imprisonment from 2-5 years, fines and restitution. 720 ILCS 5/17-3. Please note that the City of Chicago is solely responsible for adjudicating parking violations.
The ParkChicago Fleet account has manually been suspended due to payment discrepancies. The Fleet administrator should contact 877-242-7901 for more information.
ParkChicago Fleet allows 90 seconds to complete a transaction before the system times out. If a time out occurs, simply begin the transaction again.